Use a RIDBA member
RIDBA is only interested in having the best companies as members. Quite simply, it is your assurance of the highest standards of quality, workmanship, service and professionalism.
Our members sign up to a code of practice requiring them to be legal, decent, honest and truthful. They are obliged to check all their own work, maintain adequate insurance, and where appropriate have CE/UKCA accreditation.
Become a member
Run by members, for members, RIDBA raises awareness of the sector, promotes best practice and provides an exclusive range of benefits that saves members time and money. Membership starts from just £100 so why not apply to join today!
Our members’ work

New Grain Store and Potato Store project
This project was the result of replacing existing buildings that were lost in a fire, for a family run business

Replacement general purpose building
This project was in keeping with the neighbouring traditional buildings and the heritage of the circa 1950s construction.